Admittedly, this is the time of year when eating lots of calories is associated with family, fun, and holidays. And, there is nothing wrong with that; in fact, eating builds muscle and that’s a good thing. However, carbohydrates tend to dominate our eating habits this time of year (I am sure we don’t need to create a list of the obvious carbs I am talking about). So, what do you do? Everything possible! Splitting wood, going on walks, extended swim sessions, group workouts, skiing, shoveling snow, even the local basketball pick up game during the week. All of these and any others that are available to you should be utilized as additional ways to continue burning calories and maintaining an appropriate body weight for this time of year. And, for the record, I am all for 5 – 10lb weight gain by choice and thoughtful consideration. Again, gaining muscle is a good thing in addition to body fat. Most bodies don’t like being at low body fat percentages all year long; and peaking all year long is impossible as well. I liken this to a garden; you don’t get carrots, peaches or green beans all year round. Gardens need a dormant period when it doesn’t seem like much is happening but the truth is it’s gaining energy for production at the appropriate time of year. It’s the same for our bodies. So, eat up and don’t be shy about putting calories into your body at this time of year. Build strength and energy but keep moving to keep your metabolism awake so that you are ready to begin more serious workouts once the new year arrives. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!